Articles on: 📱 Plans and promo codes

I can't take a pass

Are you trying to take out a pass but getting an error message ? There are several possible reasons :

You already have an active pass in your city

You can only take out one pass per city. If you have already taken out a pass, the app will not allow you to take out a new one.
In the case of a 24-hour pass:
You have to wait until the end of the 24 hours to take out a new pass, even if you have already used up all the rides.
In the case of a monthly pass:
If you have cancelled your monthly membership, it will be deactivated at the end of the ongoing period. Until the end of the period, it will not be possible to take out a new membership.
For example, if you took out a membership on 15 October and cancelled it on 30 October, your subscription will remain active until 15 November.

Your payment method has been refused

Here are some reasons why a payment may fail :
Your payment method does not have enough funds.
You have reached your payment method limit.
Your bank card has expired
Your bank asks you to carry out an additional verification step (3D secure) and this step has not been validated.

If you encounter payment problems, we advise you to contact your bank directly, who will be able to help you, or to try another payment method.

If these points don't solve your problem, don't hesitate to contact our teams directly via the app chat.

Updated on: 24/08/2023

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