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In some cities, Vélopolitain lines are available. Pony's velopolitain lines allow you to ride freely between two parking spaces at a fixed price for the first 20 minutes of your ride. If you exceed 20 minutes, the usual per-minute charges will apply.
The velopolitain rate applies to ride by ebikes & electric scooter. Users on mechanical bikes ride for their usual price !

To benefit from the fixed pricing, start and finish your ride in a zone marked with a purple V symbol.

👉 If you start your ride in a parking zone outside the line, the usual charges will apply.

👉 If you start your ride on the velopolitain line, but end your ride in a parking zone outside the line, the usual charges apply.

👉 You can ride freely between the different velopolitain lines: you can end your ride on a line other than the one you started on, as long as it's between two velopolitain stations !

Check out the pony app for the latest information on the velopolitain lines and their stations !

Updated on: 24/08/2023

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