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What are the different memberships ?

Two different types of membership are available on the pony app :

The "free unlock" membership, which allows you to save on unlocking fees, although you still have to pay for the minutes used (depending on the terms of the offer).
The "unlimited rides" membership, which allows you to drive at no extra cost (depending on the conditions of the offer).

The app needs to take a bank imprint when unlocking even if you have a membership. This will allow you to pay for your ride if your season ticket does not cover the full cost of your ride. Otherwise, the fingerprint will be refunded in full.

Please note that if you are making a group ride, the pass will only apply to one of the rides !

You can find details of the pass available in your town directly from the "fares and passes" tab in your app ! To check this :
Go to the fares and passes tab
In the membership section, click on Info.
Then tap on the membership or pass of your choice, and the details will be displayed !
Pay close attention to these details, as they may vary depending on the membership : duration, price, vehicles covered by the membership, number of ride included, maximum duration of each ride and maximum duration per day, etc.

Please note that it is not possible to take and use several passes at the same time in the same city. You must wait until the end of the validity period of your pass before taking another one. You can, however, take passes in different cities !

Updated on: 24/08/2023

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